Ashley Yancey is one of our patients, with her beautiful twins Addilyn and Madilyn. She has been so gracious as to share her journey with Valley Perinatal and the world, so other mothers-to-be can be aware of high-risk complications and know there is always hope.

We share her story this year close to Mother’s Day to celebrate each and every brave mother, who is willing to take on any complication for the sake of her children.
Ashley, thank you so much for sharing your story. First, tell us a little bit about yourself.
My name is Ashley Yancey. I’m married to my wonderful husband Matt and live here in Arizona. I am now a first-time mother to two beautiful girls, Addilyn and Madilyn. What a journey it has been becoming a mother for the first time with them!
So how did you find Valley Perinatal? What led you to us?
I had a complicated pregnancy, to say the least. I started going to Valley Perinatal at 14 weeks. I was diagnosed with Twin-to-Twin Transfusion Syndrome (TTTS) and Twin Anemia Polycythemia Sequence (TAPS) at 17 weeks by Valley Perinatal and had laser surgery on the placenta at 20 weeks in Colorado. Dr Henry Galan performed the surgery at Colorado Children’s Hospital. This surgery was to cauterize the connecting blood vessels causing the unequal sharing of blood volume (TTTS) and red blood cells (TAPS).
Addilyn was both the TTTS and TAPS recipient. In addition to excessive amniotic fluid from the TTTS, Addilyn had a ‘starry sky liver’ (white markings on her liver), a secondary sign of TAPS. Madilyn was the TTTS and TAPS donor (too little amniotic fluid and red blood cells). Mine and the babies’ symptoms went away after surgery, but at 27 weeks the TAPS returned, and I was diagnosed with Stage 3 TAPS with intermittent absent flow in the cord dopplers. The babies’ roles reversed as donor and recipient.
I also had preeclampsia, gained 6 pounds in 2 days and had very high blood pressure.
Dr. Elliott monitored the babies and delivered as the MCA/PSV doppler readings showed increasing anemia and polycythemia. Addilyn and Madilyn were born at 32.3 weeks.
What was the hardest part of that high-risk pregnancy?
I would say the unknown. I went into each ultrasound not knowing if my girls were still with us. The waiting process was not easy. Through all of this, I did not once hear a discouraging comment from Dr. Elliott or my amazing ultrasound technician. Even though they often had to relay bad news, they always included a measure of hope. I am extremely grateful for this.
What was it like when the girls were delivered safely?
It was such a feeling of overwhelming gratitude that God allowed my baby girls to live. It was an answer to the prayers of hundreds of people. It was also such a sense of relief. I knew that they had a long road ahead, but I knew that I had great care and people willing to help them.
What was your experience like with Valley Perinatal? What set us apart?
I truly believe our girls are here because of Dr Elliott. He is world renown for his work with multiples and his work with Twin to Twin Transfusion Syndrome. He has been listed as one of 81 (1%) top perinatologists by US News and World Report. He has delivered 2,000 sets of twins, 700 sets of triplets, 109 sets of quadruplets and 23 sets of quintuplets.
TTTS is a disease that can move very quickly. Without catching it early, and constant observation, our girls would not be here today. Dr Elliott not only caught it early on, he sent us to Colorado to get help before it was too late. He has delivered more multiples than any other doctor. He doesn’t normally deliver anymore, but because of our complications, Dr Elliot decided to deliver my sweet girls. We’ve been back to see him twice since the girls have been born. He told me their case was a tough one and there must be a higher calling for them. I couldn’t agree more.
Why are you sharing your story?
I share my story to bring awareness to TTTS. Thousands of women with higher order pregnancies and those with TTTS, including TAPS, SIUGR and TRAP have gotten help from Dr. Elliott when other doctors would have just given up. He is a firm believer in cerclages in multiples and will perform them up to 26 weeks. Families travel from all over America, and internationally, to stay in Phoenix, Arizona to be in his care for their pregnancies.
You can learn more about TTTS at the TTTS foundation:
You can learn more about Dr. Elliott here:
John Elliott, MD – Valley Perinatal Services
All photography by Ashley Yancey. You can view her work here:
Want to follow Addilyn and Madilyn’s journey? Follow Ashley and her girls on Instagram here: