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Genetic Counseling

During pregnancy, it is important to know as much as possible—as soon as possible—about the health of your baby. This is just one of the many things that expectant mothers begin to worry about over the course of their pregnancy. A genetic consultation will help you stay informed and proactive throughout your pregnancy. One of our highly trained genetic consultants will provide you with information and support about the risks and complications that may occur during pregnancy. Understanding genetic implications, can help prepare you and your family for the birth of your baby.

What Is Genetic Counseling?

Genetic counseling involves a specially-trained healthcare professional who identifies families at risk for anomalies. We investigate any problems present in the family and interpret information about the potential disorders. In addition, we analyze inheritance patterns and risks of reoccurrence. Then, we review and discuss your options, which are personalized to your pregnancy.

Through the genetic consultation, we are able to help you understand pregnancy risks—by understanding these risks, your family can increase the chances of early detection and treatment.

Perinatal & Pre-Conceptual Consult.

Caring for your health before a pregnancy is known as preconception care. The goal of this consultation is to check for any potential risks that you or your baby might face during the pregnancy. During this consultation, you can address any issues or concerns that you may have about becoming pregnant, including diet, vitamins and physical activity. We will ask about previous personal or family history that could pertain to the pregnancy. After conception, we offer examinations, and consultations to continuously check on the health of the baby.

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