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Patient Testimonial: Hayley Winterberg

We’re thrilled that our patient, Hayley Winterberg, entrusted us with her care and with sharing the story of her and baby Jasper.

Hi, Hayley! Can you tell us a little bit about yourself?

My name is Hayley Winterberg, a mom of three kids. I live in Buckeye, with my husband, and have worked in healthcare, but now work as a CEO at a nonprofit!

How did it feel, knowing you were first pregnant with Jasper?

I found out I was pregnant at only four weeks along and was quick to ensure I had a first appointment. I was so excited to be pregnant with my rainbow baby and yet so terrified as I had experienced a loss just a year prior. It was a relief to regularly have appointments that confirmed Jasper was doing well and growing as he was supposed to.

Describe your high-risk pregnancy journey with us.

I was considered high risk because I had previously had a subchorionic hematoma with my last pregnancy and a small one with Jasper. Luckily with Jasper, this healed very quickly and didn’t cause any complications. I have a brain condition (to much spinal fluid on the brain) that changes in pregnancy which required additional monitoring of myself and Jasper from Valley Perinatal, Ophthalmology and a Neurologist.

Later in my pregnancy, I was diagnosed with Gestational Diabetes. I found this to be a scary diagnosis and ensured to take it very seriously. I followed the recommendations of checking my sugars regularly, made significant diet changes and changed my exercise habits (as much as I could at 7 months pregnant). I was able to avoid insulin or medication to manage the Diabetes. Jasper was born with perfect blood sugars and no complications from the gestational diabetes.

Through each step of this process, Valley Perinatal coordinated and shared information with all of my doctors which ensured I received all the necessary care for myself and Jasper.

What was your experience with Valley?

So I was monitored with Valley throughout my pregnancy. I went into active labor on 9/19/21. My Adelante doctor actually broke my water in the hospital, and so things moved very quickly. However, they apparently had left the hospital and could not be reached as I was going into labor.

The nurses were scrambling to find a provider to assist with the delivery while trying to have me stall labor (which was quite a feat to try). Needless to say, I was panicking, scared and unmedicated so feeling everything. After a while, one of the Valley Perinatal OB Hospitalists, Gemma, walked in and introduced herself.

I simply remember seeing the Valley Perinatal logo on her scrubs and instantly feeling comforted. I felt that everything was going to be okay from the second I saw that logo. I appreciated her calm demeanor as she delivered my son Jasper and ensured everything was well.

Jasper was born at 38 weeks, weighing 7 pounds 10 oz. We had no complications. Both of our blood sugars were exceptional during our hospital stay.

I truly appreciated my care provided by Valley Prenatal over the last year with both pregnancies. I appreciate the care you provided me with this pregnancy. I am so grateful that a valley perinatal provider was there for my delivery and truly stepped in at the right time. Thank you for placing an emphasis on exceptional quality care for your patients.

Thank you for sharing your story with us, Hayley!

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